
Heart Surgery Malpractice

Getting to the Heart of the Matter: When is a Complication Following Heart Surgery Malpractice?

A Guttlaw Report TM

Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) and heart valve repair/replacement surgery are two of the most important lifesaving advances in cardiac care. But precisely because they involve the arteries and the heart, life threatening and even life ending complications sometimes arise. When they occur because a doctor or medical care provider has departed from the standard of care, then the hospital or doctor at fault may be sued for negligence. That's malpractice.

Some examples from The Guttman Files:

  • An internationally prominent heart surgeon accidentally shoved a chest tube through our client's liver while repairing his mitral valve, causing bleeding, infection, several additional surgeries and a seven week hospital stay. That's malpractice and Rubin Guttman & Associates, L.P.A. obtained over a One Million Dollar verdict for our injured client.
  • Cardiac intensive care unit staff at a hospital failed to notice that our client's father was bleeding after his bypass surgery, resulting in his untimely death. Result: an almost One Million Dollar settlement for the gentlemen's surviving adult children.
How can you tell whether a tragic outcome was the result of misfortune or malpractice?

Evaluating whether an unhappy outcome was the result of medical negligence, or malpractice, requires the expertise of doctors and experienced lawyers like Rubin Guttman & Associates where we have been representing victims of medical malpractice for over 32 years. All the medical records, test results, radiologic studies and the like must be obtained and reviewed. Research must be done and depositions (pre-trial testimony) taken. We have access to some of the leading medical experts in the country and will do everything possible to evaluate your claim in order to determine whether a loved one or you has been the victim of medical malpractice.

There is no charge to meet with us and have your case reviewed.

Please call for a FREE appointment so that we may evaluate your claim together.

Client Reviews
Without question, the attorneys at Rubin Guttman & Associates, L.P.A. did an exemplary job in settling my claim with the manufacturer of the prescription medication that led to my bladder cancer. It was clearly a long-shot that unexpectedly came through with a surprisingly large settlement. I would highly recommend this firm to anyone in need of legal services. William H.
I have had occasion to use Rubin Guttman and his firm numerous times over the last 25+ years. In every encounter I have been represented with outstanding professionalism, experience and quality. Rubin and his staff kept me informed of every step that was taken on my behalf. I always felt confident that my best interests were most important. It always helps to hire the best. Richard H. Devaney
I had occasion to use Rubin Guttman's services, in connection with obtaining coverage from a well-known life insurance company, that ended with a completely satisfactory outcome for me. I cannot rave enough about the professionalism and quality of the service which I received from Rubin. They were as good or better as any of the major law firms NITA whom I have had previous experience. Jerry Rothchild
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